Why sell washing powder?

Posted by Lynette Pascoe on

So why do I sell Abode?
There’s a few reasons.
I like it.
I like products that don’t stink or make me itch or make me sneeze or give me an anxiety attack. It’s enjoyable selling something I like.
I trust it!
Nicole Biljsma and Mark Netherway didn’t create Abode Healthy Home Products just because they were looking for a product to retail. Nicole is a building biologist and was often asked to recommend safe home products to use. Nicole and Mark couldn’t find a brand that they could comfortably recommend so they created their own.
I trust Nicole’s knowledge and experience. She was a naturopath and acupuncturist before she furthered her study with building biology. She lives and breathes this stuff! The brand was created from the ground up and created with people like myself in mind. Many of us can’t cope with a high chemical load like artificial fragrance, quats, bleaches etc.
It’s australian made
Designed here, owned here and made here. I‘m supporting an Australian business!
Full disclosure of ingredients
When you are conscious of your health you want to know what’s in everything!. So many products for home care and cleaning don’t tell you exactly what’s in there. Abode products have full disclosure of ingredients !
It fits my values
I sell Abode independently. I don’t sell by multi level marketing, I dont have sales targets or need to recruit team members to make myself more financial while someone else does the work. I won’t be going on any all expenses paid trips to fancy tourist destinations paid for by you due to massive price markups.
Its not a product developed overseas with hidden ingredients. It’s not full of fake - the ingredients are naturally sourced not laboratory made.
Abode Healthy Home Products have made a difference in my home and that’s why I am proud to be a retailer. I started selling it as part of my goal to share some learnings about building biology. Along the way I aim to learn a whole lot more.

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