Mini Containers - Spring Pastel 3 pack
Two layer lunch box - by Activated Eco
Large Lunch box - two layer by Activated Eco
Bento Lunch Box (2 compartments w/removable divider) by EverEco LAST ONE LEFT
Leak Proof Rectangular Lunchbox LAST ONE
Tuck-a-stacker Trio Lunchbox LAST ONE
Freezer Panel - General Use size - Fridge to Go
Reusable Baggie -Large
Reusable Baggie -Small
Reusable Food Wrap
Fridge to Go - Cloud - stays COLD FOR UP TO 8 HOURS
Fridge to Go - Medium
Fridge to Go - Stones
Fridge to go Mini Fridge (6 can size) - ONLY ONE LEFT!
Onya Reusable produce bags - 8 pack - Click for colours
Onya Shopping Bag - large. Available in 4 styles
Produce Bags by Activated Eco (pack of 8)
Organic Cotton Tote Shopping Bag with pockets
Straws Stainless Steel - travel twin
U Konserve Stainless Steel Straws (Mini size) 4 pack
Straw cleaning brush
Cheeki (2 pack) - Bent - Rose & Black plus brush
Cheeki Straws (2 pack) - Straight - Rose & Black plus brush
CHEEKI 4 pack
Little Mashie Soft Silicone Straws Pink & Purple + Cleaning Brush (2 pack)
Little Mashie Soft Silicone Straws Earth Tones (4 pack), w/cleaning brush
Silicone Straws (5 pack)
Rose Gold Cocktail Straws - single
Ever Eco Straw (1 pack) - Straight